Home Learning Tasks

Please click on the relevant year group to see some suggested Home Learning tasks. Below the class links you will also find some useful websites that can be used at home and help guides.


Nursey | Meithrin

Reception | Derbyn

Year 1 | Blwyddyn 1

Year 2 | Blwyddyn 2

Year 3 | Blwyddyn 3

Year 4 | Blwyddyn 4

Year 5 | Blwyddyn 5

Year 6 | Blwyddyn 6


Eco-Schools 10 Day Challenge

Siarter iaith challenges for Foundation Phase.

Siarter iaith challenges for Key Stage 2.


Useful Websites
There are wide and varied resources that are available online and below are some suggested links to websites that you may want to investigate with your child. The children have access and login accounts, with school, on sites like HWB, Bug club (ACTIVELEARNPRIMARY) and TTRockstars that may be a valuable source when learning from home.
Some of these have free downloads that can be used on tablet devices.

ActiveLearn/Bug Club – www.activelearnprimary.co.uk

HWB – Access to J2E, Microsoft and Google for Education – https://hwb.gov.wales/

TT Rockstars – https://ttrockstars.com/

SumDog – www.sumdog.com

Pobble365 – http://www.pobble365.com/

NRICH Mathematics – www.nrich.maths.org

Scratch Coding – https://scratch.mit.edu/

Code.org – Hour of Code Coding Games – https://code.org/hourofcode/overview

Twinkl – https://www.twinkl.co.uk/

TopMarks Maths Games – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

BBC Bitesize – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize

Oxford Owl – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

Please note – Minecraft for Education is FREE to download to a tablet, laptop or computer (not ChromeBook) Once downloaded, simply log in with HWB details to receive free access.



Help Guides

Home Learning through Microsoft Teams and Hwb

Downloading Teams on iPad

Saving and sharing work through J2E