All posts by Deleted User
Reception News
Dear parents and careers,
Due to the National Tests taking place over the next fortnight the hall is out of use. Therefore I would be grateful if reception children would remain at Morfa Glas for the next two Fridays.
Many thanks.
National Tests for Y2 – Y6
School Photographs
Please could all orders for school photographs be handed in to the school office this week. Many thanks
Just a reminder that there will be an INSET DAY on Friday (April 7th) where the school will be closed to pupils.
Pupils return to school after the Easter break on MONDAY, APRIL 24th 2017.
Easter Bonnet Parade
Easter bonnet parades will take place at Morfa Glas tomorrow. Morning Nursery will have their parade in the morning at 11am. Reception children and Afternoon Nursery will have their parade in the afternoon at 2pm. The School Council and Pupil Forum will be the judges. Family and friends are all invited. We look forward to seeing you.
Mr Horrell’s and Miss Bibb’s classes visit to Swansea Museum
Mr Horrell’s and Miss Bibb’s classes will visit Swansea Museum tomorrow as part of their studies into World War Two.
Year 2 Easter Class Assembly
Miss Wensley’s class assembly will take place tomorrow at 9:30 am in the school hall. It’s a lovely way to start our Easter celebrations. We look forward to seeing you.
Easter Raffle
We have kindly received a basket of Easter Eggs as a raffle prize. Raffle tickets will be on sale in school for £1.00 a strip. If you would like to buy tickets please could your child bring in the money to school in an envelope clearly marked with ‘Raffle Tickets’ and their name. Alternatively, you can call into the school office. The raffle will be drawn on Thursday, April 7th. All proceeds will go to purchasing resources for the pupils of Cwmnedd. Thank you for your support.